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Welcome to the Hydro Plumbing blog, where we discuss common plumbing issues that homeowners often encounter. Plumbing problems can be frustrating and disruptive, but with the right knowledge and professional assistance from Hydro Plumbing, you can address these issues effectively. In this article, we will explore the most common plumbing problems, how to identify bad pipes in your house, and ways to improve the plumbing system in your home.

What Are the Most Common Plumbing Problems?

Plumbing systems are intricate networks that ensure the smooth flow of water throughout your home. However, several issues can arise over time. Let’s delve deeper into the most frequent plumbing problems homeowners face and explore their causes and potential solutions:

Leaky Taps

Dripping Taps not only wastewater but also lead to increased utility bills. This common plumbing problem is often caused by worn-out washers, faulty seals, or damaged internal components. Over time, the constant dripping can result in the deterioration of the Tap and even lead to water stains or damage to your sink or countertop.

To address a leaky Tap, start by turning off the water supply to that specific fixture. Then, disassemble the Tap and inspect the washers, O-rings, and other seals for any signs of wear or damage. Replace these components as necessary and reassemble the Tap. If you’re not confident in handling the repair yourself, it’s best to seek professional assistance from Hydro Plumbing to ensure a proper and long-lasting fix.

Common Plumbing Issues Homeowners Face
Common Plumbing Issues Homeowners Face

Clogged Drains

Drain clogs are a common plumbing problem that can affect sinks, showers, and toilets. They typically occur due to the accumulation of debris, such as hair, soap residue, food particles, or mineral buildup. Over time, these materials can form blockages, leading to slow draining or complete blockage.

To address a clogged drain, you can try using a plunger to create suction and dislodge the clog. If that doesn’t work, you can attempt using a drain snake or auger to physically remove the obstruction. Chemical drain cleaners are another option, but they should be used with caution and as a last resort, as they can be harsh and potentially damage pipes. For stubborn or recurring clogs, it’s advisable to consult a professional plumber who can use specialized tools and techniques to effectively clear the blockage.

Running Toilets

A running toilet can waste a significant amount of water and cause an increase in water bills. This issue is often caused by a faulty flapper valve or a malfunctioning fill valve. When the flapper valve doesn’t seal properly, water continually flows from the tank to the bowl, resulting in a running toilet.

To fix a running toilet, you can start by inspecting the flapper valve and checking for any signs of damage or misalignment. If necessary, clean the valve or replace it with a new one. Similarly, if the fill valve is faulty, it may need adjustment or replacement. It’s worth noting that toilet mechanisms can be complex, and if you’re unsure about the repair process, it’s best to consult a professional plumber to ensure an accurate and lasting solution.

Common Plumbing Issues Homeowners Face
Common Plumbing Issues Homeowners Face

Water Heater Issues

Water heaters are crucial for providing hot water in our homes, and any problems with them can be highly inconvenient. Common water heater issues include insufficient hot water, strange noises, leaks, or complete failure. These problems can stem from various causes, such as a faulty thermostat, sediment buildup, a malfunctioning heating element, or a deteriorating tank.

To address water heater issues, it’s recommended to first check the thermostat settings and ensure they are adjusted correctly. If you notice sediment buildup, flushing the tank can help remove the accumulated debris and restore proper functioning. However, some water heater repairs can be complex and require professional expertise. It’s advisable to contact a licensed plumber who can diagnose the specific problem and provide appropriate solutions or recommend a replacement if necessary.

Remember, addressing leaky Taps promptly not only saves water and money but also prevents potential water damage and maintains the overall integrity of your plumbing system.

Foul Odours: A clogged sewer line can result in unpleasant sewage odours emanating from drains, toilets, or even outside your home. The stagnant wastewater trapped behind the clog emits foul smells that are difficult to ignore. If you detect persistent sewage odours, especially in multiple areas of your property, it’s a strong indication of a clogged sewer line that requires immediate attention.

Water Backups and Slow Drainage: When a sewer line is obstructed, water may start backing up into lower-lying drains, such as basement floor drains or shower pans. You may also experience slow drainage, where water takes an unusually long time to empty from sinks, bathtubs, or toilets. These issues arise because the clog restricts the flow of wastewater, causing it to accumulate and create backups in the affected drains.

Fluctuating Toilet Water Levels: A clogged sewer line can cause fluctuations in the water levels of your toilet bowl. You may notice that the water level is unusually high or low, regardless of flushing. This occurs because the clog disrupts the normal flow of water in the sewer line, leading to irregular water levels in the toilet.

If you observe any of these symptoms, it is crucial to address the clogged sewer line promptly. Ignoring the issue can result in more severe problems, such as sewage backups, pipe bursts, or structural damage.

How Can You Tell If You Have Bad Pipes in Your House?

Identifying potential issues with your pipes is crucial to prevent further damage and ensure the optimal functioning of your plumbing system. Here are some key indicators that may suggest you have bad pipes in your house:


Discoloured Water

If you notice rusty or brownish water coming out of your Taps, it could be a sign of corroded or deteriorating pipes. Corrosion can occur over time due to factors like aging, water chemistry, or poor pipe material. Discoloured water not only affects the quality and taste but can also lead to further pipe deterioration and leaks. If you consistently experience discoloured water, it is recommended to contact Hydro Plumbing for a thorough inspection and assessment of your pipes.

Low Water Pressure

A sudden decrease in water pressure throughout your house can indicate a problem within your plumbing system. Several factors can contribute to low water pressure, including blockages, leaks, or damaged pipes. Mineral deposits, sediment build up, or pipe corrosion can obstruct the flow of water, leading to reduced pressure. If you notice a significant and persistent decrease in water pressure, it's advisable to have a professional plumber investigate the issue and determine the underlying cause.

Unpleasant Odours

Persistent foul smells emanating from drains, Taps, or other plumbing fixtures may be a sign of underlying pipe issues. Sewage leaks or stagnant water within the pipes can result in unpleasant odours permeating through your home. These odours are not only unpleasant but can also indicate potential health hazards. If you detect persistent sewer-like smells, it's essential to have a professional plumber inspect your plumbing system to identify and rectify any leaks or blockages.

Frequent Pipe Leaks

If you experience recurrent pipe leaks in your home, it may be an indication of deteriorating or faulty pipes. Aging pipes, pipe corrosion, or excessive water pressure can weaken the integrity of your plumbing system, leading to leaks. Even minor leaks should not be ignored, as they can result in water damage, mould growth, and increased water bills. Consulting a professional plumber like Hydro Plumbing can help diagnose the root cause of the leaks and determine the best course of action, which may involve pipe repair or replacement.

Video Camera Inspection

To accurately diagnose the cause and location of the clog, Hydro Plumbing may employ video camera inspection technology. A small camera is inserted into the sewer line to provide real-time visuals of the interior, helping identify the specific problem and determine the most suitable course of action.

Repair or Replacement

In some cases, the main sewer line may require repairs or even replacement if the clog is caused by significant damage or deterioration. Hydro Plumbing has the expertise to assess the condition of your sewer line and provide appropriate recommendations for repair or replacement, ensuring a long-lasting solution.
Maintaining and improving your plumbing system is essential for the overall functionality and longevity of your home. Consider the following tips to enhance your plumbing system and prevent potential issues:

Regular Inspections and Maintenance

Schedule periodic plumbing inspections with Hydro Plumbing to identify and address any underlying problems before they escalate. A professional plumber can assess the condition of your pipes, fixtures, and drains, and detect early signs of leaks, corrosion, or blockages. Regular maintenance can help extend the lifespan of your plumbing system and prevent major issues from arising.

Replace Old or Damaged Pipes

Aging pipes are more susceptible to leaks, bursts, and reduced water flow. If you have an older home or notice signs of corrosion, such as discoloured water or frequent leaks, it may be time to consider pipe replacement. Modern plumbing materials like copper, PEX, or PVC offer improved durability and resistance to corrosion. Hydro Plumbing can assess the condition of your pipes and recommend the most suitable options for replacement.

Upgrade Fixtures and Appliances

Outdated fixtures and appliances can not only affect the aesthetics of your home but also impact the efficiency of your plumbing system. Consider upgrading to water-saving Taps, toilets, and showerheads. These fixtures are designed to minimize water consumption without compromising performance. Additionally, investing in energy-efficient appliances, such as dishwashers and washing machines, can reduce water usage and lower utility bills.

Educate Household Members

Promote responsible water usage within your household. Encourage family members to avoid flushing non-biodegradable items down the toilet and dispose of grease or food scraps in the trash rather than the sink. Teach them how to detect and report plumbing issues promptly, such as leaking Taps or running toilets, to prevent further damage.

Insulate Exposed Pipes

During colder months, insulating exposed pipes is crucial to prevent freezing and potential pipe bursts. Insulation sleeves or heat tape can help protect vulnerable pipes in unheated areas like basements, crawl spaces, or attics. It's also advisable to keep cabinet doors open to allow warm air circulation around pipes under sinks.

Repair or Replacement

In some cases, the main sewer line may require repairs or even replacement if the clog is caused by significant damage or deterioration. Hydro Plumbing has the expertise to assess the condition of your sewer line and provide appropriate recommendations for repair or replacement, ensuring a long-lasting solution.

Plumbing problems are common challenges faced by homeowners, but they can be effectively managed with the right knowledge and professional assistance. Hydro Plumbing is here to provide reliable plumbing services and help you maintain a functional and efficient plumbing system. Remember to address issues promptly to prevent further damage and ensure the comfort and convenience of your home.

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